Restless. Impatient. Curious. Anticipatory. Skeptical. Those words describe my state of being of late. There has been much discussion over the past decade or so about the grand cycles of the Mayan Calendar and what those cycles mean for us in terms of consciousness and the evolution of humanity. Within this arena, there have been two prominent voices during this time: the late Ian Xel Lungold, and Carl Johan Calleman. Ian passed away back in 2005. His website, MayanMajix, is still active, and I had posted a lecture that he did a few years prior to his death called "The Mayan Calendar Comes North". Both of these men had indicated that the final, ninth "Cycle of the Underworld" was to be 260 days in duration (13:20) and have stated that the Ninth Wave would begin on February 11, 2011. Calleman has since adjusted his commencement date for the Ninth Wave to March 9, 2011, whereby the thirteen segments of the cycle, seven days and six nights, are 18 days in duration.
Each (grand) cycle represents an evolution of consciousness, and each cycle is based on a sacred ratio of 13:20, reflected in the Mayan Tzolkin (or Ritual or Dreamspell calendar), as they had two calendars, the Cholq'ij being the other (the 13:20 link explains this). The ratio in terms of the calendar has been described as meaning 13 moons to each cycle, and with each cycle comes an increase in the passage of time by a factor of 20 compared to the previous cycle. Each day within its particular cycle represents a period of time within that cycle, and can cover many Gregorian years. Ian explains this quite well in the aforementioned video. Drunvalo Melchizedek also explains these cycles of time and ancient meridians in recent videos that I have posted on this blog. If you have watched Ian Lungold's "Mayan Calendar Comes North" video, you will have seen how he takes major events in recorded history and lays them out in a linear sense in terms of systems, innovations and changes in the way that people lived upon the earth; social structures, governance, et al. Provocative, I would say. He did, however, make certain assumptions about what was in store in the immediate future from the time of that video (recorded in 2003) - things that he expected us to see toward the end of the Galactic Cycle - that did not come about according to his time line.
Seven days, six nights... let me focus on that for just a moment. With each grand cycle change comes an evolution in consciousness, and the systems of the previous cycle crumble, giving way to the new consciousness, or spirit of the age. Before today, we were in the last part of the Galactic cycle, which started in January of 1999. For the past eleven months or so, we were in the seventh day of the Galactic Cycle. The smaller cycles (days, nights) within the Galactic cycle were roughly 340 days in duration. What did we observe during the seventh day, or approximately last eleven Gregorian months of the Galactic Cycle? The emergence of Wikileaks as a threat to the established order, for one, whether you believe that Wikileaks is genuine or a psy-op of the CIA and/or Mossad, about which there has been much debate. With Wikileaks growing presence also came the further rise of Anonymous, a loose network of hackers who gained prominence by threatening and temporarily shutting down institutions such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa, all of whom greatly contribute to the current global financial control matrix.
Along with those elements, we also saw, in the United States, the further and arguably fastest rise of the domestic military / prison industrial complex that we have ever seen in the history of this country. These changes are much more pervasive / invasive than those in the wake of September 11th, including the TSA airport scanners (said to be in the stages of rolling out to sports stadiums, shopping malls and other public places), Homeland Security appearing on television screens in WalMart stores (the largest full service retailer in the US), ICX Skywatch police guard towers being further deployed in many suburban areas (now in New Jersey, North Carolina, Arizona, among other states), the DHS campaign called, "If You See Something, Say Something," Social Security numbers of recipients being needed for personal shipments of international packages (see Customs Clearance, Item 5 on this page), a coming Internet Identification System, the further proliferation of unmanned airborne security drones (now being used in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida and other states), and most recently, the most prolific changes in the country's Emergency Broadcast System, now known as the Emergency Alert System, where apparently now the President will have the ability to interrupt media programming on a scale heretofore not known. I have carefully selected the links above so as to avoid the hyperbolic nature of the many posts on the web that surround same.
If you do your own web or YouTube searches, and I encourage anyone reading this blog to always do that with any of the information that I present here, you will find many posts that paint these advances by the military / prison industrial complex as Orwellian in nature, often hyperbolic and paranoid, complete with sensational soundtracks that portend doom and gloom. I don't disagree with the Orwellian nature of all of these recent advancements, however, I try to present information on this blog in a neutral sense and let others draw their own conclusions. It seems strange to many of us within the US that nearly ten years after the NY and Washington attacks, that suddenly within the past year or so we have seen a massive, brisk implementation of the aforementioned without any domestic activity or events that would appear to necessitate same. I should note that virtually all of said advancements were in place or planned well before the recent tragedy in Tuscon, AZ. Unfortunately for those of us residing in the US, a large swath of our population doesn't seem to care in the least, and go about their days sedated by Big Pharma, lost in the haze of bread and circus politics, television and consumerism-related materialistic pursuits.
Internationally, we also beheld the uprisings in various places against governmental systems, Tunisia and Egypt most recently. What I find particularly interesting about what is happening in Egypt at present is that Mobarak continued to defy the people through the very end of the seventh Galatic day, and has now stepped down on the morning of the first day of the Universal Cycle. Additionally interesting to me is that ancient Egyptian Geodesy or Geodetic Science placed the Prime Meridian (an ultimately arbitrary longitude, yet related to how [our concept of] time is defined according to the earth's rotation) going through the Giza Plateau in Egypt. The British eventually moved the prime meridian to the UK in 1851, where it has been known as the Greenwich Meridian ever since. The British were the predominant sea power at the time, through which they dominated much of the known world. My point here about Egypt is that according to ancient wisdom, Egypt exists in what was known as the center of the globe for thousands of years, thus, the location of the Giza pyramids. If there is any merit in any of that information in terms of relevance to the Mayan cycles and potential changes in the governance of humanity, are these recent events indicative of a sweep of global revolution? The internet has been much abuzz about this since the revolution in Egypt began, and there are many sites that are claiming that this is a wave that is going to sweep the globe. I remain skeptical. Time will tell, and it should tell us very quickly, as the days and nights of the Universal Cycle are only 20 days in length, or 18 days according to Calleman's recent adjustment. If such a wave does take place, I would find it curious that it started in the countries of North Africa.
I should also note here that these two men, Lungold and Calleman, began working together at one point, as referenced in Ian's biography on the MayanMajix website. For me personally, I also find it quite intriguing that Ian's great-great grandfather, known as Johnny Appleseed, planted seeds in the wilderness along with distributing tracts containing the work of Emanuel Swedenborg. The latter part is what I found intriguing, as during one of my guided information sourcing sessions a few years back, I was directed to purchase Wilson Van Dusen's book analyzing some of the work of Swedenborg, "The Presence of Other Worlds
". Swedenborg was a mathematician, scientist, philosopher and a pioneer of sorts in the field of spiritual studies. That book opened many doors for me and connected many dots in my mosaic, or reality tunnel, at the time. Even as I write this, having not planned a specific outline for this post, I realize that this all seems rather like a stretch, as I am not a scholar in these areas by any means. However, I have been drawn to information concerning these subjects for over ten years, seemingly at random, only to find convergence as various sources all seem to point to the same information. I have many websites bookmarked and many books strewn about my apartment, and as I write this I feel as though I am not quite able to make some of the connections that I would have desired if I had indeed been formulating this post over a longer period of time with specific footnotes pertinent to the subject at hand. On that note, my writing on this subject falls short of my standards for solid analysis to the degree that I might have been able to present my case. Yet, this is a blog, and not a research paper.
I remain skeptical about all of this. As I have stated in previous posts, whenever a person or group of persons point to specific dates in terms of potential future occurrences, my interest wanes almost immediately. Linear time and our experience of same, as I understand it through what I have read about in the area of quantum physics, exists within a limitless field of possibilities at every point, therefore, there may be probabilities and even likelihoods, but there is no way to determine one finite future result or outcome of any series of events. What I do find rather intriguing is that whatever way one chooses to view all of the chatter and hypotheses regarding a potential evolution in consciousness, one fact remains: we are here now. We are on the great cusp. There is no turning back. There is no other significant ancient calendar event in the years following 2012, whether it's the Maya, the Hopi, the Aztecs or even the I Ching. This is it, this year and so many months to follow into 2012. For me, if we move through the next few months and no sense of global change is perceivable, even palpable, then I am going to remove myself from trying to make any further connections along these lines. It has been my experience over the past several decades that virtually every type of life-changing event that has been forecast by alleged seers, pseudo-scientists and prophets, has resulted in nothing. Nothing has happened, and dates have been conveniently pushed somewhere into the nebulous future. This has happened time and time again and I have grown bored to a high degree.
In terms of our current position in linear time within the Mayan Dreamspell calendar, the time is now if this ancient wisdom has any merit. The coming months will either contain the fastest perception of time and change that we have ever known, or they will not. If, after a few calendar months I don't see time speeding up by a factor of 20 when it reaches the end of this cycle, thus ushering in what appears to be the dawning of a new era in terms of global change, I am going to put all of this aside. It won't change my spiritual practice and it cannot change what I have experienced thus far in my spiritual journey, but it will force me to completely lose interest in the many channeled messages from other-dimensional beings, etc., that have reached fever pitch over the last year judging from the massive increase in postings on the web.
From my current perspective in my personal life, I remain restless, somewhat frustrated, skeptical and yet curious and anticipatory if indeed we are on the brink of something new and fascinating with regard to our development and perception of life within the greater universe / multiverse. It may seem as though I am shaking my fist at the channelers and the alleged beings whom they represent. I am not. Figuratively, I may be doing so in terms of memes that may be associated with the messages, particularly on the conspiracy websites, but that is only because I am seeking to "break through the clutter," as they say in the advertising business, so that I can discern any single valid message. The reason that I desire such is so that I may find context for my own spiritual experiences. There may be no context. I also realize that, but something within me, deep down, makes me feel as though I may find context, and greater, and that it might come about sometime soon.
With all of my increasingly intense spiritual experiences of the last several years, I stand hopeful. My heart speaks to me softly, saying that there is a reason for my experiences and the timing thereof, however, just what that reason might be still remains unknown. My left brain perpetually tries to find context, meaning and understanding, which is one of the reasons that I have devoted an increasing amount of hours to this blog. I wonder daily about what I have come to call my Cosmic Initiation, and why it came about at the time that it did. At its center was the unveiling of heart-centered consciousness, the most beautiful way that I had ever experienced life. These were days with no planning, just being, participating in a moment by moment unveiling of intense beauty and experience as my awareness expanded in ways that were simply astounding to me.
I felt a strong sense that I had been shown a way to be, one that was new to me, despite having practiced Now consciousness regularly for the two years prior to the initiation. "There must be others," I thought constantly during that time. I knew that I wasn't alone in that experience, or special or chosen in any way. It was just a time that the universe allowed me into that realm. I did want to find others, though. I had a strong desire to only be around people who were experiencing life in that way, and as the universe saw fit, I found myself surrounded by many spiritually-minded friends at that time who had experienced awakenings, though none were occurring at the same time as my initiation. They helped to keep me grounded and gave me perspective on what it was that I was experiencing.
Since then, I have tried to live my life accordingly, focusing my meditations and actions within and from my heart, however, I have yet to return to the magnificently magnified heart-state and the profound changes in my perceptions that occurred during that time. I was shown many things, and there were two sides to the coin of that experience. On the one hand were realized gifts greater than those known previously by my five senses... telepathy, healing, levitation, remote viewing and a profound connection to Source energy among them. On the other hand was seeing a division in society as physical changes to the earth took place, driving many people mad. I have reached out to other-dimensional beings ever since, with an increase in frequency and desire to return to that blissful state as I attempt to chart a course for the remainder of this physical life. I have not seen the "2012" film, nor do I wish to, as I don't believe that has any relevance in terms of a connection to Source or the evolution of consciousness.
In trying to make sense of my own spiritual journey and where I find myself on that road at present, I understand that I must remain rooted in the practice of the art of non-attachment, remaining in the Now, thereby releasing myself from all concepts of expectation and outcome. The spiritually optimistic side of me simply says, Let It Be. Whatever that may mean for me or the world at large I do not know. I stand and watch, ever the observer. Let It Be. I am also reminded of the word, Maranatha, of Greek / Aramaic origin, which I learned as a child, meaning, "Lord, come," referring to the coming of Christos Consciousness to the earth as a whole. If there is to be evolution to the Divine or Christos Consciousness that we are to experience during this lifetime and we are to participate in its expansion throughout the globe, I say then, "Let It Be. Maranatha." Even so, come quickly.
Each (grand) cycle represents an evolution of consciousness, and each cycle is based on a sacred ratio of 13:20, reflected in the Mayan Tzolkin (or Ritual or Dreamspell calendar), as they had two calendars, the Cholq'ij being the other (the 13:20 link explains this). The ratio in terms of the calendar has been described as meaning 13 moons to each cycle, and with each cycle comes an increase in the passage of time by a factor of 20 compared to the previous cycle. Each day within its particular cycle represents a period of time within that cycle, and can cover many Gregorian years. Ian explains this quite well in the aforementioned video. Drunvalo Melchizedek also explains these cycles of time and ancient meridians in recent videos that I have posted on this blog. If you have watched Ian Lungold's "Mayan Calendar Comes North" video, you will have seen how he takes major events in recorded history and lays them out in a linear sense in terms of systems, innovations and changes in the way that people lived upon the earth; social structures, governance, et al. Provocative, I would say. He did, however, make certain assumptions about what was in store in the immediate future from the time of that video (recorded in 2003) - things that he expected us to see toward the end of the Galactic Cycle - that did not come about according to his time line.
Seven days, six nights... let me focus on that for just a moment. With each grand cycle change comes an evolution in consciousness, and the systems of the previous cycle crumble, giving way to the new consciousness, or spirit of the age. Before today, we were in the last part of the Galactic cycle, which started in January of 1999. For the past eleven months or so, we were in the seventh day of the Galactic Cycle. The smaller cycles (days, nights) within the Galactic cycle were roughly 340 days in duration. What did we observe during the seventh day, or approximately last eleven Gregorian months of the Galactic Cycle? The emergence of Wikileaks as a threat to the established order, for one, whether you believe that Wikileaks is genuine or a psy-op of the CIA and/or Mossad, about which there has been much debate. With Wikileaks growing presence also came the further rise of Anonymous, a loose network of hackers who gained prominence by threatening and temporarily shutting down institutions such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa, all of whom greatly contribute to the current global financial control matrix.
Along with those elements, we also saw, in the United States, the further and arguably fastest rise of the domestic military / prison industrial complex that we have ever seen in the history of this country. These changes are much more pervasive / invasive than those in the wake of September 11th, including the TSA airport scanners (said to be in the stages of rolling out to sports stadiums, shopping malls and other public places), Homeland Security appearing on television screens in WalMart stores (the largest full service retailer in the US), ICX Skywatch police guard towers being further deployed in many suburban areas (now in New Jersey, North Carolina, Arizona, among other states), the DHS campaign called, "If You See Something, Say Something," Social Security numbers of recipients being needed for personal shipments of international packages (see Customs Clearance, Item 5 on this page), a coming Internet Identification System, the further proliferation of unmanned airborne security drones (now being used in Texas, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida and other states), and most recently, the most prolific changes in the country's Emergency Broadcast System, now known as the Emergency Alert System, where apparently now the President will have the ability to interrupt media programming on a scale heretofore not known. I have carefully selected the links above so as to avoid the hyperbolic nature of the many posts on the web that surround same.
If you do your own web or YouTube searches, and I encourage anyone reading this blog to always do that with any of the information that I present here, you will find many posts that paint these advances by the military / prison industrial complex as Orwellian in nature, often hyperbolic and paranoid, complete with sensational soundtracks that portend doom and gloom. I don't disagree with the Orwellian nature of all of these recent advancements, however, I try to present information on this blog in a neutral sense and let others draw their own conclusions. It seems strange to many of us within the US that nearly ten years after the NY and Washington attacks, that suddenly within the past year or so we have seen a massive, brisk implementation of the aforementioned without any domestic activity or events that would appear to necessitate same. I should note that virtually all of said advancements were in place or planned well before the recent tragedy in Tuscon, AZ. Unfortunately for those of us residing in the US, a large swath of our population doesn't seem to care in the least, and go about their days sedated by Big Pharma, lost in the haze of bread and circus politics, television and consumerism-related materialistic pursuits.
Internationally, we also beheld the uprisings in various places against governmental systems, Tunisia and Egypt most recently. What I find particularly interesting about what is happening in Egypt at present is that Mobarak continued to defy the people through the very end of the seventh Galatic day, and has now stepped down on the morning of the first day of the Universal Cycle. Additionally interesting to me is that ancient Egyptian Geodesy or Geodetic Science placed the Prime Meridian (an ultimately arbitrary longitude, yet related to how [our concept of] time is defined according to the earth's rotation) going through the Giza Plateau in Egypt. The British eventually moved the prime meridian to the UK in 1851, where it has been known as the Greenwich Meridian ever since. The British were the predominant sea power at the time, through which they dominated much of the known world. My point here about Egypt is that according to ancient wisdom, Egypt exists in what was known as the center of the globe for thousands of years, thus, the location of the Giza pyramids. If there is any merit in any of that information in terms of relevance to the Mayan cycles and potential changes in the governance of humanity, are these recent events indicative of a sweep of global revolution? The internet has been much abuzz about this since the revolution in Egypt began, and there are many sites that are claiming that this is a wave that is going to sweep the globe. I remain skeptical. Time will tell, and it should tell us very quickly, as the days and nights of the Universal Cycle are only 20 days in length, or 18 days according to Calleman's recent adjustment. If such a wave does take place, I would find it curious that it started in the countries of North Africa.
I should also note here that these two men, Lungold and Calleman, began working together at one point, as referenced in Ian's biography on the MayanMajix website. For me personally, I also find it quite intriguing that Ian's great-great grandfather, known as Johnny Appleseed, planted seeds in the wilderness along with distributing tracts containing the work of Emanuel Swedenborg. The latter part is what I found intriguing, as during one of my guided information sourcing sessions a few years back, I was directed to purchase Wilson Van Dusen's book analyzing some of the work of Swedenborg, "The Presence of Other Worlds
I remain skeptical about all of this. As I have stated in previous posts, whenever a person or group of persons point to specific dates in terms of potential future occurrences, my interest wanes almost immediately. Linear time and our experience of same, as I understand it through what I have read about in the area of quantum physics, exists within a limitless field of possibilities at every point, therefore, there may be probabilities and even likelihoods, but there is no way to determine one finite future result or outcome of any series of events. What I do find rather intriguing is that whatever way one chooses to view all of the chatter and hypotheses regarding a potential evolution in consciousness, one fact remains: we are here now. We are on the great cusp. There is no turning back. There is no other significant ancient calendar event in the years following 2012, whether it's the Maya, the Hopi, the Aztecs or even the I Ching. This is it, this year and so many months to follow into 2012. For me, if we move through the next few months and no sense of global change is perceivable, even palpable, then I am going to remove myself from trying to make any further connections along these lines. It has been my experience over the past several decades that virtually every type of life-changing event that has been forecast by alleged seers, pseudo-scientists and prophets, has resulted in nothing. Nothing has happened, and dates have been conveniently pushed somewhere into the nebulous future. This has happened time and time again and I have grown bored to a high degree.
In terms of our current position in linear time within the Mayan Dreamspell calendar, the time is now if this ancient wisdom has any merit. The coming months will either contain the fastest perception of time and change that we have ever known, or they will not. If, after a few calendar months I don't see time speeding up by a factor of 20 when it reaches the end of this cycle, thus ushering in what appears to be the dawning of a new era in terms of global change, I am going to put all of this aside. It won't change my spiritual practice and it cannot change what I have experienced thus far in my spiritual journey, but it will force me to completely lose interest in the many channeled messages from other-dimensional beings, etc., that have reached fever pitch over the last year judging from the massive increase in postings on the web.
From my current perspective in my personal life, I remain restless, somewhat frustrated, skeptical and yet curious and anticipatory if indeed we are on the brink of something new and fascinating with regard to our development and perception of life within the greater universe / multiverse. It may seem as though I am shaking my fist at the channelers and the alleged beings whom they represent. I am not. Figuratively, I may be doing so in terms of memes that may be associated with the messages, particularly on the conspiracy websites, but that is only because I am seeking to "break through the clutter," as they say in the advertising business, so that I can discern any single valid message. The reason that I desire such is so that I may find context for my own spiritual experiences. There may be no context. I also realize that, but something within me, deep down, makes me feel as though I may find context, and greater, and that it might come about sometime soon.
With all of my increasingly intense spiritual experiences of the last several years, I stand hopeful. My heart speaks to me softly, saying that there is a reason for my experiences and the timing thereof, however, just what that reason might be still remains unknown. My left brain perpetually tries to find context, meaning and understanding, which is one of the reasons that I have devoted an increasing amount of hours to this blog. I wonder daily about what I have come to call my Cosmic Initiation, and why it came about at the time that it did. At its center was the unveiling of heart-centered consciousness, the most beautiful way that I had ever experienced life. These were days with no planning, just being, participating in a moment by moment unveiling of intense beauty and experience as my awareness expanded in ways that were simply astounding to me.
I felt a strong sense that I had been shown a way to be, one that was new to me, despite having practiced Now consciousness regularly for the two years prior to the initiation. "There must be others," I thought constantly during that time. I knew that I wasn't alone in that experience, or special or chosen in any way. It was just a time that the universe allowed me into that realm. I did want to find others, though. I had a strong desire to only be around people who were experiencing life in that way, and as the universe saw fit, I found myself surrounded by many spiritually-minded friends at that time who had experienced awakenings, though none were occurring at the same time as my initiation. They helped to keep me grounded and gave me perspective on what it was that I was experiencing.
Since then, I have tried to live my life accordingly, focusing my meditations and actions within and from my heart, however, I have yet to return to the magnificently magnified heart-state and the profound changes in my perceptions that occurred during that time. I was shown many things, and there were two sides to the coin of that experience. On the one hand were realized gifts greater than those known previously by my five senses... telepathy, healing, levitation, remote viewing and a profound connection to Source energy among them. On the other hand was seeing a division in society as physical changes to the earth took place, driving many people mad. I have reached out to other-dimensional beings ever since, with an increase in frequency and desire to return to that blissful state as I attempt to chart a course for the remainder of this physical life. I have not seen the "2012" film, nor do I wish to, as I don't believe that has any relevance in terms of a connection to Source or the evolution of consciousness.
In trying to make sense of my own spiritual journey and where I find myself on that road at present, I understand that I must remain rooted in the practice of the art of non-attachment, remaining in the Now, thereby releasing myself from all concepts of expectation and outcome. The spiritually optimistic side of me simply says, Let It Be. Whatever that may mean for me or the world at large I do not know. I stand and watch, ever the observer. Let It Be. I am also reminded of the word, Maranatha, of Greek / Aramaic origin, which I learned as a child, meaning, "Lord, come," referring to the coming of Christos Consciousness to the earth as a whole. If there is to be evolution to the Divine or Christos Consciousness that we are to experience during this lifetime and we are to participate in its expansion throughout the globe, I say then, "Let It Be. Maranatha." Even so, come quickly.
I think your detached perspective is probably a good approach for whatever is coming, though I'd imagine easier said than done when living in such times. I would say, never consider yourself or refer to yourself as crazy in these matters. It is evident that you are always trying to be as objective as possible, so I would say your predictions or observations may at times be wrong, but not crazy. Crazy is what the establishment is, and crazy is what the establishment would like you to believe you are. Choosing to not be a part of that system may be a significant risk, requiring careful thought or a leap of faith, but the decision to abandon it is very sane, (as is potentially to stay a part of it, as you are responding to something in my view fundamentally insane) even if either may lead to personal destruction. In any case, it's okay to be mistaken, but you're not crazy.
Take care, and thanks for the updates.
I'm going to be contacting some mandala artists online in the next few weeks, or sooner, to see if they would like to have stills of their work set to music (possibly Stars of the Lid) in a simple youtube video, that would link back to their pages. If you have any mandala / sacred geometry work you would like to have in such a montage, let me know.
Take care,
Thanks again for your input Luke. It's much appreciated. I'd love to hear what you might perceive in terms of what you referred to as "whatever is coming," if anything, or just a sense of what that might be. Some old friends have contacted me very recently to talk about that very thing, so it's been on my mind of late.
As for the mandalas - that sounds like a great project. I don't have anything in terms of creations in that area myself, but I would love to see what others create. Please keep me posted.
peace ; )
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