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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Alan Watts: A Conversation With Myself

This is deep: more brilliant reflections from Alan Watts.  Recorded in 1971 as part of a television show, Alan ponders the limitations of technology and the problem of trying to keep track of an infinite universe with a single-tracked mind.  The program is embedded below in four parts, which was made available through Alan's son Mark and courtesy of the Alan Watts website.  Not only was Alan ahead of his time, his reflections in these videos are deeply profound and especially apropos for the time in which we now find ourselves: within the Ninth Wave of the Mayan long count calendar as the previous consciousness cycle and its systems are beginning to crumble.  What would our world look like today if great minds like Mr. Watts were influencing the evolutionary course of humanity instead of the current geopolitical structures?  Certainly the planet would be a decidedly different place, likely exponentially wondrous.

Poignant and penetrating, there are so many thoughts to ponder in these videos that I have watched them several times over the past two days.  The questions that Alan poses and his insights into the nature of the universe, the singular egoic construct verses the larger whole and "happening versus doing" echo the ancient teachings of many indigenous tribes around the globe, as well as the greatest thinkers within the current consciousness movement.  In terms of our fundamental nature as energetic beings, we have created and exist within a construct of systems that run counter to our very essence.  At the core of what Alan is saying is the revelation that we must awaken to the larger truth of our existence as human beings... being.  I love his observations on the nature of "the wiggly world."  Many who have spent time in the tribal / house music scenes will recognize the term as coined by Larry Heard (Mr. Fingers) to describe the free-flowing expression of dance on a primal level.  It's hard to believe that this was recorded 40 years ago, as Alan's reflections are of paramount relevance today.  Our thanks to Mark Watts for making these videos available for public viewing.  It is a real treasure - simply brilliant.  Enjoy.

::: Part 1 :::

::: Part 2 :::

::: Part 3 :::

::: Part 4 :::

~ Namaste. ~

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