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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something Is Going On, But What Exactly?

There seems to be more chatter than ever about chemtrails, the New World Order, 2012, etc. lately, especially with more massive animal deaths being reported in recent weeks.  More people appear to be asking questions now than ever before, which is a good thing.  But what exactly is happening to our planet?  I wish I had answers, but I do not.  I only have my own reality tunnel, my mosaic, which is the culmination of my reading, researching, meditating and trying to connect dots, just like everyone else.

One thing that I feel confident in asserting is that anyone who proports to know a specific date for anything is almost surely wrong.  There has been a lot of talk about dates as they appear on the horizon of our Gregorian Calendar.  Those appearing as binary, such as January 11, 2001, (1.11.11) etc. are just digits on a calendar that has its origin from a Vatican proclamation in 1582 and has been since adopted and accepted as the way that we mark the years.  They have no significance.  In terms of the greater universe, extraterrestrial and/or other dimensional beings, such dates on such a contrived calendar have no meaning whatsoever.  First, because the calendar that we use in modern society is a consensus calendar created by humans.  Second, because time, as we know it on a linear scale, has no meaning beyond our planet's surface.  If you leave the planet and travel at light speed away from earth and come back, "time" will not be the same for you as those on the earth.  Your experience of time would slow down, while those on earth would experience time just as they have - and history would have moved on to the point that upon your return to earth, depending on how long you were gone in space, everyone and everything you had known would be gone, long dead in the past somewhere, while you might not have aged much at all in your space vehicle.

My point is that anyone that is pointing to a specific date for anything to "happen" is just empty finger pointing and posturing, nothing more.  Talk of some great happening on December 21, 2012 will turn to dust on the morning of December 22nd.  Those who are fixated on dates will likely push their apocalyptic chatter to yet another date somewhere in the future, as has happened over and over.  This has been going on for a long, long time.  There is even a small movement of evangelical people within the United States who are currently pointing to a date in May of 2011 as "judgment day."  Another useless prediction that probably has nothing more to do with the end of anything and is likely being exploited to get donations or have others join some kind of belief system.

I was raised in what was initially a Catholic family, which then turned evangelical around the time I was ten years old.  Over the course of the years following our family's conversion, I was taken to see many of the great healers, orators and prophets of the day, including the late Kathryn Kuhlman, Billy Graham, Hal Lindsey and many others.  Although some of these people might have embodied what is known as the Christ consciousness, predictions made about endings of things have long since passed into the abyss of history.  About ten years prior to my pursuit of Tibetan Buddhism and meditation, one of the last of these people with specific predictions to whom I paid some attention was the late Dr. Richard Eby, who had two near death experiences (NDEs) and predicted that Christ, as a person, would return to earth before his (Richard's) physical death.  This was something that, according to Richard, Jesus told him face to face in "heaven."

Dr. Eby had written several inspiring books describing his journeys to heaven and to hell, and had captured my attention (both elating and frightening at the same time) to the degree that I opened correspondence with him personally.  I was still rooted firmly in my handed-down childhood belief system at the time (this was the mid-1980s), and the fact that he saw and directly communicated with the Christ of the bible and Jesus told him to his face this promise... that Richard would not physically die before Jesus returned to earth - fascinated me.  I had started reading about NDEs in the 80s, and I found Richard's story entirely plausible, since I was still rooted in my inherited belief system back in the mid-80s and his experience fit into that system quite well.  Suffice it to say, Richard passed away in 2002 and still no Jesus has come from the sky to save / judge / transform humanity.  Richard was a gentle soul, and appeared to genuinely embody the Christ consciousness.  My purpose in mentioning him here is not to judge him or his experiences, but just to point out that he is one of many in a seemingly endless procession of people that have come forward with predictions about certain times and happenings that have not come to pass.

When such ideas (or memes) are presented within the non-profit (yet actually) for-profit organized religions of the world, they are suspect and should be treated as such.  Although I have no answers, I can most assuredly assert that no "great god" will descend from the clouds and land in such a place as the Vatican or other earthly religious establishment.  If anything appearing to look like such ever does occur, it will likely be our own earthly shadow governments creating such an event with technology to further control people through fear.  As I stated somewhere in a previous post, I believe that the teachings of Jesus have relevance, but more in the sense that he was presented in the Gnostic Gospels, particularly in the Gospel of Thomas, which does not appear in the Catholic bible or the King James version (and its many derivatives that comprise the belief systems of the Baptists, 4-Square, Assembly of God and most of the other protestant evangelical groups).  Within those excluded books are the teachings that essentially state that the kingdom of god resides within each individual - as a light.

Long before I abandoned my inherited belief system, I used to drive my Sunday School and other theological instructors crazy with questions that they couldn't answer in terms of which books are really the word of god and which are not.  None of them had any answers.  They just remained stuck in their own handed-down belief system.  I always had a problem with that.  For one, the books of the bible were written hundreds of years after Christ's death.  Those faithful to the texts in a literal sense brush this fact aside, and say that we must trust that god delivered his word to his faithful scribes, even though a lot of time had passed since the actual events.  That always bothered me, even when I was younger.  For instance, if there was a movement today whereby people believed that George Washington (the commonly acknowledged first President of the United States - but not actually true - there were at least thirteen before him who held that position as head of state of the young US nation) was a messiah or great prophet of some kind, it would still be roughly another ninety years before books would be written about him in that same allegedly sacred biblical context.

Could anyone, with the technology available in the third and fourth centuries, the time of the writing of the bible, be able to give an accurate historical account?  I don't believe so.  Throw in various translations, languages, government censorship and religious tribunals that have influenced the various "bibles" alone and things just don't add up.  They just don't.  The literally faithful say, "Well, god saw to it that no matter how corrupt, how murderous or exploitative any of these institutions might have been, he didn't let them corrupt 'his' word."  Who are these people kidding?  This is the blind leading the blind and the fearful.  If the late Elvis Presley were to be deemed a messiah, or god or prophet of some kind at the time of his death in 1977, such books about him would not be written until roughly beyond the year 2277 AD.  How accurate could they possibly be?  Perhaps more than those written in the third and fourth centuries, but still, we're talking 300+ years before a story is told.  And they didn't have video and audio recordings back in those days.

As stated in a previous post, I think that the late Joseph Campbell had stated it most correctly - that there are many holy books and holy stories (myths) that have been influenced by the wisdom that created us - and those books are all metaphors for the same thing - the transformation and evolution of the consciousness of the individual - the journey of the individual as a hero on a spiritual quest.  Sadly, as Joseph stated in his Power Of Myth book and video series that ran on PBS in the US, "People all around the world are dying for metaphors."  The story of Jesus, of Buddha, Krishna and many other deified representations of an evolved Love Consciousness is the story of each of us, within each earthly incarnation.  They serve as potential road maps of discovery into the infinite universe that exists within each of us.

At this point in my life after much exploration in Buddhism, Kabbalah and consciousness expansion, I would say that any attempt to understand any kind of grand time line for humanity and the planet has to be explored by looking into the ancient cultures and ancient wisdom.  Today's organized religions are nothing more than cheap dimestore pamphlets that lack any real depth or relevance.  For me, everything begins and ends within the heart of each individual.  As Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."  Most of today's "organized" (like crime) religions have everything backwards.  For the most part, they consistently point you outside of yourself.  "Look to the clouds for your salvation,"  "Listen to this person here,"  "Worship at this place here," etc. and virtually all of them say "We are right, they (everyone else) are wrong," in terms of other belief systems.  These types of teachings are wrong.  Anything that points one to something outside of one's self is designed to make you miss the point and sidestep your own responsibility of having to look deep within your own heart for answers, change from within yourself and take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

In terms of the earth changes that are occurring, especially the mass animal deaths noted in the media lately (map here of 2011 deaths), I believe that several things are at play.  Most notably, we are being poisoned by corporations at an ever-increasing pace.  When I couple that with (some) ancient wisdom, particularly from the Mayans, and explore their calendar, which actually spans a much longer time period than our Gregorian Calendar, I think that it's much more plausible that the ancients had more of a grasp on cycles that affect creation than any organized religion does in the 21st century.  As mentioned in a previous post, the late Dr. Ian Xel Lungold did some interesting work on interpreting the Mayan Calendar.  Yet, even Ian had some of his "predictions" not come to pass in terms of what we were to expect in the years from 2000 - 2007, before his untimely death in 2005.  Part of what I do think that he had correct was that the earth and all of creation moves in cycles, and living beings, like the dinosaurs evolving into birds, all evolve within these grand cycles over many billions of years, which may be punctuated with significant jumps in evolution at the conclusion of one of these grand cycles.   We are about to enter into the Universal cycle.

One of the other things that Ian talked about was that as we progress through these cycles, each succeeding cycle is shorter than its precursor.  This gives us the feeling that time is speeding up, that technology and human development keeps increasing (similar to Moore's Law) the longer we move through linear time on planet Earth (or Terra, or Pachamama).  In terms of my own personal view these days, as we are about to enter the 9th (and final) Universal Cycle of the Mayan Calendar in February or March of 2011, which will be the shortest of all cycles, is that we, the people of earth, are caught within the last throws of a system which is soon to crumble.  This system is corporate control, or at least that is one face of the system.  It seems that around the world, the global economy is becoming like an overheated engine, while at the same time the level of poisoning from corporate interests appears to be increasing in tandem with the rise of a global police state.

Much has been written about this.  Some say it's the Illuminati or the Freemasons, others say its a shadowy group behind those entities.  Who really knows?  I get a chuckle when I think of something that the late (brilliant) Terence McKenna once said... that there are influences on consciousness but really nobody is in control - and that can be even more frightening.  One thing appears to be clear though, and that is that more people are falling into poverty, such as myself, as the economic opportunities that once existed are replaced with little or low-paying jobs, while companies like Monsanto continue to attempt to monopolize seed production and distribution as they wipe out farmers around the world.  When one looks at things such as the Georgia Guidestones, which still have no direct creator's attribution and remain shrouded in mystery as to their purpose and creation, one has to wonder if systematic depopulation of the world is in fact underway, especially when our skies, at least in the US, are blanketed nearly daily by fleets of jet planes that leave long chemical clouds behind them, which are not contrails (also addressed in a previous post).

So do I think that the "end of the world" is coming in 2012?  No, and certainly not ever on a given date.  What I do believe is that civilization as we have come to know it in the modern world is likely going to continue to crumble in the coming years.  As that happens, I believe, we will continue to see the rise of the corporate police / military state, exploitation of the remaining resources of the planet and a force into poverty for much of the world's population that continues to live during this time.  The world won't end.  It will likely though, evolve, as will many of the life forms on it.  I believe that we are not alone in the universe.  I respect science and the scientific process, however, to think for one moment that within this vast, expansive universe that we are the only planet with living creatures on it - or that we are living within the only dimensions that exist - is as outdated as thinking that the world is flat, and that kind of thinking, I believe, we should have outgrown a long time ago.  Such myopic impressions of the universe were tricks of the old-guard churches that were bent on keeping people living in fear with small mindedness.

As we accelerate into the final phase of the Mayan Calendar in the next several weeks, I believe that we are going to see more sweeping changes happening at a faster pace than ever before.  Part of this acceleration will no-doubt include the "revelation" by the US government and others that we are not alone in the universe.  It appears to have already started and there are rumors of various stripes on the internet about the United Nations appointing an ambassador to extraterrestrials and even Obama making an announcement acknowledging contact with aliens.  In terms of total global control through fear, these are the ultimate trump cards.  First, there would be acknowledgment.  Second would be to turn the accepted knowledge into a perceived threat.  Both would damage long-held belief systems, and the latter could make some people mad and willing to give up their freedoms almost completely.  I would venture a guess that government controllers and their shadow puppet masters will use these disclosures to put fear into the hearts of men - that aliens are here to kill us - in order to quickly further the reaches of the global police state and runaway military budgets so that we can "fight our way into space defending our planet."  If such days ever do arrive, know that this is pure bullshit coming from the power establishment to maintain the status quo.  Cultures around the world influenced by the modern media have already been conditioned to believe that such things exist - and I believe they do - although for the most part not to hurt, injure or imprison us. 

There is much talk these days about ascension, about other-worldly and other-dimensional beings who are present and wishing to help us evolve into higher dimensions.  I also believe that to be highly plausible, however, if it is in fact true that such entities do exist and are here to help us evolve, then you can be sure that the current governmental - corporate control state that exists will counter this would-be truth with a message of shite-in-your-pants fear in order to drive the people who are locked into outdated belief systems into severe emotional and physical stress, which will likely lead to all kinds of atrocities, especially if economic collapse, food shortages and the like are on the horizon.  In the end, all one can do, despite what happens, is to live from the heart, with love for all things, and be the change that one wishes to see in the world.

I'm going to include an interesting video that was recently posted on YouTube from the creator of Project Avalon, Bill Ryan.  Bill works with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot, and both of them have done extensive work within the world of extraterrestrial and other-dimensional contact.  I have several issues with the video.  Yes, it is interesting, however, for its two-hour length, Bill's discussion with "Charles", a whistleblower from an enigmatic group above the Illuminati, there are only three or four key points within the entire dialog that I found relevant in terms of new information.  Much of the video refers to 30 hours of Skype calls that the two had prior to the taping of this video, along with references to the personalities and/or credibility of either Bill or Charles, the lines of questioning, etc.  For me, this should have been done with a punch list of questions and an adherence to a solid outline to get to the heart of what Charles knows and is willing to share with the masses.  Perhaps in a future video, as has been suggested.  Charles, on the other hand, could just be representing more disinformation, and Bill could just be wanting to turn this into an elongated web series.  I don't know.  I am curious to hear more though, much, much more... if ever that comes to pass.  Hopefully, it will, and they will get to the point quickly and reveal much more.

And here is a link to Bill's post-Charles interview commentary, during which time he attempts to put into context what Charles represents.

And while all of the above is interesting conjecture about the possibility of future events, let us not forget the often simple and funny things that can happen when one attempts to predict the future with any degree of certainty:



Fernanda said...

Everybody is so confused,they don't know what to believe in.
I think just the way you do,but it's hard to find the exact words to let other people understand.
Thanks for helping me with this.

Sevahn said...

Thanks, Fernanda. There's something paradoxical in trying to communicate or find understanding with others that I've noticed with even the most spiritually advanced of my friends and acquaintances. Yet there is an underlying force that seems to want to unify through understanding, whatever it is.

I wonder now if it's not so much belief as it is realization, remembering. If that is the case, that would imply that the action of realization or remembering could in essence reveal a larger truth, which itself could be all or part of the basis of all understanding, and from that, power and greater expression of the divine.